"Shout for Joy," written by Greg & Bev Hansen and featured on Barry's album My Soul Hungered, is available
as a free download on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints youth website.

The instrumental track to one of Barry's original songs—One Step Closer, co-written with Greg Hansen—was recently
used as the soundtrack to a Family History video created for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
View it here.

Barry was interviewed on BYU-TV's Latter-day Profiles cable TV show that aired in December 2009.

Barry was one of six finalists in the 2009 Deseret News' Mormon Times Showcase, an online song and video competition.
His original song, I'm a Celebrity, was popular among online voters. He performed with the other finalists in
Provo, Utah's Covey Center for the Arts.

Read Julie Keyser's blog article on Barry's songwriting at YourMusicNotes.

Barry's music can be heard on BYU-Idaho radio and Sounds of Sunday radio.

Check out this Deseret Morning News article by Carma Wadley about the release of Barry's first album.

Watch Barry's performance of My Soul Hungered during the 2003 Pearl Awards broadcast.
(Note: It's a large file, so you'll need a high-bandwidth internet connection to view it.)